Well, earlier in the year I decided to start an online retail business. I got the idea one year while at Georgia Pride. My cousin and her girlfriend always come down for Pride and we go and walk around and spend money and have a good time. Well, year before last I noticed that the vendors were missing something that I thought could sell really well--those car-magnet ribbons designed in rainbow colors.

I told myself I would rent a booth and sell them the next year (this past June). So, I did rent a booth, but I didn't sell the rainbow car magnets. I sold other magnets, stickers, body jewelry and just a bunch of shit like that. I would've done really well had it not stormed like hell. It stormed so badly that they had to close the park Friday evening, an hour after I set up and then again on Sunday as I was setting up. But, Saturday I did pretty well--just not enough to break even. I totally would've broken even had I sold on Friday and Sunday. You can see how gray the sky looks in this picture.

Anyway, I started an online website, www.thegaystoreonline.com, to sell my shit. The only problem was that people didn't want to buy it online. So, I started a MySpace page after Shane urging me to do so, in hopes of increasing (or should I say prompting a) sales. It didn't help sales one bit but it did provide me with a new drug. I'm now addicted to MySpace. It's like crack, only I don't get the wonderful side effect of weight loss. So, I closed the online store (I still own the domain name though, along with a few others) and tried selling my stuff on e-Bay. That wasn't so hot either.

So, that's why my MySpace page is titled thegaystore. Now, here are some fun pictures from Pride. Deanna and Jessica didn't make it down until Sunday, for the parade, and then they had to turn around and go home. However, my mother and my other cousin, Jon, came to help me with my booth. Here we are at WetBar.

And this one was taken by my mom next to the pool at the Hampton Inn in Atlanta.

Okay, that's the end of my blog.
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